I foråret 2015 blev vi inviteret til at holde oplæg om Spædbarnsterapi og dens metode på en international konference om Tilknytning og ”Babywearing”. Konferencen blev holdt i en forstad til Bristol. Deltagerne kom fra hele Europa, og der var lagt et godt og alsidigt program.
Vi var inviteret af Henrik Norholdt, PHD fra Københavns Universitet og forskningschef hos firmaet Ergobaby.
Deltagerne kom fra hele Europa. Der blev vist stor interesse for Spædbarnsterapien. Oplæg blev suppleret af video, og mange var efterfølgende optaget af at drøfte metoden med os. Specielt var der interesse fra Tjekkiet og Spanien.
Om eftermiddagen havde vi en workshop med mange deltagere. Debatten var livlig og uhyre meningsfuld.
På konferencens sidste aften fik Henrik Norholdt ideen til at samle alle oplægsholdere, så vi kunne spise middag sammen og overnatte på et gammelt slot: ”Wotton-under-Edge” i Leyhill. Det var naturligvis en helt særlig oplevelse.
By Inger Thormann and Inger Poulsen
Treating early trauma
When a child without a fully developed language experiences physical and psychological stress that exceeds the child’s capacity to cope, the experience can leave lasting marks, unless the child receives treatment.
Infant therapy is a method inspired by the work of the French pediatrician and psychoanalyst Francoise Dolto and her student Caroline Eliacheff.
The method as it is practiced in Denmark was developed by the book’s authors and can be applied both with infants and with older children.
The most important messages are, “Never allow the child’s pain to be forgotten,” and “Everything that is left unsaid ties upenergy.” In therapy, the therapist puts the child’s stressful experiences into words. The child’s story is told. The words bring order to the child’s chaos, and the trauma becomes an identified part of his or her life.
Infant therapy is primarily a therapeutic intervention aimed at traumatized infants, but the method can also be applied in daily educational practices by preschool teachers, nurses, teachers, day care providers and parents.
The publication date for the English version of Therapy with Infants is pending.